(sigh)I was being scolded for writing about someone on my blog....I did not revealed his name but his idiot,sickening fren,said tat i was wrong.Another said tat everyone has his or her unique handwritting.Soon we had a 'fight'.They said they wanted to 'sue' for spoiling his reputation or wadever but it was 'endless'.I had my point of view n they had theirs.The 'fight' stopped when it was time for Science class...but i still tink tat i did nth wrong...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 <3
It has been a long dae..Wednesday..The dae i hate the most cos i have to stay in sch for the longest period of time..My classmates and i had made a fool of ourselves yesterday..It was P.E.. Coz of napfa,our pe teacher,Mr goh,will make us run every pe lesson.I remember tat he told us to line up n suddenly the first person started to run so we followed her.The hall so totally cramp!!As there was another class in the hall.After running for a few rounds,we found out tat there were only like 7 of us running,jus den we saw the class at the basketball court(on ground floor) n we oso noticed the person hu was leading us gone...On the way down to the basketball court,we were like 'cursing' the person hu was leading us.We felt tat she should not have left without notifying us.When we were like 'telling her off'',she had the cheek to tell us tat she came later den us...We saw her at the basketball court when we were heading towards it...There's p.e tmr,hope tat we would make a fool of ourselves again.....
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 <3
fOr tHe fIrsT tIme In My LiFe,I saW taT a comma , iS wRiTtEn As 9...ObViOuSlY iT Is WriTteN bY a GuY...LeT mE aSk asK u If TherE's A QuEsTiOn ....
If u Wan To WaTcH a CoMeDiaN tAt Is HaPpEenIng in cLass,WiLL u ChOoSE tElEtUBBiEs??
A cLaSsmaTe of miNe ChOse It!!I dIdN't Noe TaT TeLeBubbies Got Go tO sCh Wan Lor....
HopE taT tMr WiLl Be a bEtTEr daE....
Monday, January 29, 2007 <3
WoO...ToDaE hAs bEeN A GoOod DaE...HaNgInG OuT wIf cOus Is WaD i LoV tHe mOsT...bOuGhT maNy tHiNgs..LeG aChE vEri MuCh...On The WaY HoMe..I MaNaGeD tO SeE sOmEtHiNg OdD...I WaS oN ThE bUs...''TiNg DoNg''SoMeOnE PreSsed ThE BeLl...BuT..No OnE GoT OfF..DeN..ThE BuS DrIvEr SuDdEnLy GoT OfF hIs SeAt N wAlKeD tOwArDs TwO TeEnAgEs N hE aSkEd TeM To GeT OfF ThE Bus.I TiNk LaH He saW tHem prEsSinG The BeLl bUt NevER gEt Off...
mY OpInIoN....
I TiNk The dRiVer Should Not aSk ThEm To gEt OfF cOz pPl sOmEtImEs WiLl pRess WrOnGlY wAd... But..THe TeEnAgEs lIke PuRpOsEly CoZ TheY gOt wEAr eArrIngs LiKE AH BeNg..Or ShOuLd I NoT JuDge a Bk By ItS cOvEr??
Saturday, January 20, 2007 <3
aHaY!!bLoG dOne..SpEcIaL ThKs To MiNyI,HoNg LeNg n JuStIn.Me ToO sTuPiD To GeT My BlOg dOnE...6.9 Is SuCh a InTeReStIng ClAsS..ThERe's A StOrY bEhInd EveRyOne Of TheM n I'M kEen To FiNd Out...
Friday, January 19, 2007 <3